Emerging Artist 2024 2nd Place Finalist

Vanessa Oo

Vanessa creates small 'families' of screen prints by placing together abstract drawn elements in different combinations. The compositions are instinctive: she is interested in the tensions and relationships created by the interactions. They capture the unique energy of each moment. The original designs are done by hand so it is a very ‘undigital’ process. Latterly she is exploring using the work to explore her identity, particularly as a non-white Northerner. What does a viewer’s interpretation of the abstract piece say about them and the artist Vanessa has established a regular practice in screen printing since 2018, currently based at Leeds Print Workshop. She is a member of York Printmakers and has exhibited and sold work in London, Yorkshire and the North East.


Vanessa Oo

Vanessa creates small 'families' of screen prints by placing together abstract drawn elements in different combinations. The compositions are instinctive: she is interested in the tensions and relationships created by the interactions. They capture the unique energy of each moment. The original designs are done by hand so it is a very ‘undigital’ process. Latterly she is exploring using the work to explore her identity, particularly as a non-white Northerner. What does a viewer’s interpretation of the abstract piece say about them and the artist Vanessa has established a regular practice in screen printing since 2018, currently based at Leeds Print Workshop. She is a member of York Printmakers and has exhibited and sold work in London, Yorkshire and the North East.


Screenprint and letterpress on paper
91cm x 95cm


Four prints capture the unseen energy, magic and tension in a given moment. A cross forms in the middle: the flag of England and a medical emblem.

  1. "Alright" is a casual English greeting. You pass a stranger; there is an instant judgement. Time shifts;
    you see something different. You never see the whole.
  2. “Alright" might be an unexpected voice next to marks like these. As a British-born person of Chinese/ Burmese origin, there is sometimes a disconnect between how I perceive myself and how I am seen from the outside.
  3. "Alright" means satisfactory. We say we are alright when we are not. A bland label hides the complexity beneath.